Hannah graduated on June 5. We had lots of family and friends celebrate with her that night and weekend. We're proud of all that she has done and are now getting ready for her to head off to college. We plan to take her down to Chapman Univ. around August 17; she can move into the dorms on Aug. 19.
We realized that next year (and the year after that) we will have one in college (Hannah), one in high school (Micah), one in middle school (Caleb), and one in elementary school (Levi)!!! Wow!
Micah got his first real job; he's a courtesy clerk at Safeway.
Hannah is currently at the Oregon Bach Festival Youth Choral Academy. It's a very select, 12-day choral program in Eugene, OR. Micah and I drove down and heard them perform Thursday night and they were really good. Hannah had a solo too, so I was really glad we were there. They wrap up tomorrow night (July 6) with a performance of the Bach Magnificat, so we will drive back down for that.
Lani, Caleb, and Levi have been at a challenge course camp all week at Camp Yamhill (bro-in-law, Troy, is the director). They sound like they're having a great time and get back today.
PRAYER ALERT: Please pray for my dad's health and healing. He found out this week that he has a ping-pong ball sized growth in his upper right lung. They will biopsy it this coming Tuesday to find out exactly what it is. His bloodwork also shows that he needs treatment again for his lymphoma. I'm sure he and my mom have found this news difficult. Thanks for joining us in prayer for God's comfort and healing.
Lani took this picture in our front yard in May.
Here is Hannah right after graduation with my mom, Sue, and Lani's mom, Gladys.