Thursday, June 01, 2006

Nice blessings

Several nice blessings to share today:
The Spring Woodlands Praise Team gave us a special good-bye tonight. After our practice (our last time there), they gathered in a circle and sang "The Lord Bless You and Keep You", prayed for our journey, and then had a delicious chocolate cake while many people hugged us and said nice things.

A mystery "box fairy" has left moving boxes at our front door the last two days (and we can certainly use them!). Whoever it is has secretly deposited them right in broad daylight -- and that's not easy with our dog, Molly, always poised to bark at anyone or anything that comes near our house (or the neighbors, or anywhere in the cul-de-sac, for that matter!).

The appraiser and the surveyor each came and did their things today. Seems like a good sign that all is proceeding towards closing.

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