Saturday, August 18, 2007

Fishing (but no catching!)

Caleb & Levi went fishing with me on Thursday. We tried several locations all over the Mt. Hood Forest, but never caught a single fish. We first headed for the Barlow Crossing campground on the White River (heading up Hwy 26, then on 35, then on Forest Service road 48). I've had some luck there in the past (years ago), but we found the water to be really murky with silt and sand and so we left and headed for Timothy Lake. However, not knowing any better, we detoured a bit and checked out Clear Lake. I'm not sure if they catch much there or not, but we had a hard time fishing from the banks (we did see two boats of fishermen out in the middle). So, on to Timothy Lake. I had read on the Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife site that this is a top option for sure-fire trout fishing in the state, and they even pointed us toward the south shore and the dam. So we parked by the dam and tried our luck for a couple of hours, but again didn't ever even get a nibble. BTW, we had to pay to park anywhere near the dam too! Well, I really prefer stream fishing to lake-bank fishing, so we headed down the gravel road from Timothy, following the Oak Grove branch of the Clackamas River. Here we stopped several times to try nice-looking holes. Finally we had some action! This water was clear and cold -- coming right out of the lake -- and this should be good for trout. We found some holes where our bait finally got struck! This was fun, but yielded no catches. Either we were poor catchers or rather what I suspect is that there were a lot of little fish just striking our bait, but none big enough to gulp it down. Eventually we gave up there and headed down to where we ran into Hwy 224 and joined the main Clackamas River. We stopped at a really promising stretch of water with deep holes and put in our lines, but never had any action. So. . . lots of nice water, gorgeous scenery, but no fish! Still, you know what they say, "A day fishing -- even with no fish -- is better than a day someplace else." As we left our last spot on the Clackamas, both boys were asking if we could come right back here the next time!

Other news:
Today is Caleb's 11th birthday! Tomorrow we're having a party for him at the Gresham HS pool. Should be a fun time with a bunch of boys!

Caleb's lightbox treatments continue to be going well, as far as we know. We're looking forward to meeting with his doctor on Sept. 6.

Caleb & Levi are both playing football for the first time. They're working hard (four practices a week for 2+ hours each time). Both are linemen, of course!

Lani & I are counting the last few days of our Summer vacations. We both officially report back on Tuesday, Aug. 29 (though I'm sure we'll be in our rooms before then).

1 comment:

erinlo said...

Sorry about not catching any fish.

I can NOT believe that Caleb is 11!!!

I miss you guys.

I can't wait to see you in December!