Friday, July 21, 2006

Heat wave!

It's hot!!!! Current temp is about 103 or so (which I think is a new record high). Good thing is that it's only 22% humidity and there is a l2 mph breeze. I've mostly stayed down in the basement doing stuff today (I built a "Monkey Bar Golf" set -- you can find plans on the internet). Tomorrow is supposed to be about the same high temp again. Whew!

We just decided to load up the troops (all ten of us here -- Troy & Shauna are off on vacation to Hawaii) and go to a double-feature movie: "Over the Hedge" & "Nacho Libre" (playing at a cheap, air-conditioned theatre!). I'm off of here!


Dan Dalzell said...

As a follow-up comment to my own post. . .

We got to the theatre and learned that it didn't have air-conditioning (it's not usually needed around here -- many homes don't either, like where we're living). They said it was 85 inside the theatre and were letting people go in to see if they could tolerate it or not. Lani checked it out, then we decided to stay. Half-way through the first movie they passed out free ice-cream cups. The theatre was probably over 2/3 full and it just got hotter as the night went on. We shared four of the biggest drinks and then got refills on them all. By the end of the 2nd movie, it was really hot & stuffy. We walked outside afterward and everyone thought it felt much cooler & nice, then I started the car and it said that the outside air was 95! I wonder how hot it got inside toward the end -- it must have been hotter than outside.

Next time, we'll call and see if a place has AC on such a hot day!!!

Patti said...

I Hawaii, the local theater had A/C and we would go there and just hang out. Also, the public library was air conditioned! The kids and I could spend hours at the library!

Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. »