Sunday, August 20, 2006

In Our New Home

Sorry for not posting lately! Life has been a busy blur as we've been working every day on the house and then finally moving in yesterday. We got all our stuff out of storage and piled into the garage, family room, back yard, etc. Thanks to many good friends here, the move-in was done in one day!

Later in the day I cleaned up and auditioned for the Portland Symphonic Choir. I think I did OK, but I certainly hadn't had the time or sleep to prepare to sing at my best. I find out sometime today if I made it.

Well, this was just a quick update. I'm off to sort boxes, unload things, put together some stuff, and continue the fixing of the house. Tomorrow Lani and I both have our first meetings at our respective schools. Busy, busy, busy. . .


Patti said...

I am exhausted just reading about it! I am glad ya'll were able to move before school started.
BTW- we are baking here in Tomball-100% humidity and 100 degree temps - bet you don't miss that!

Vonnie said...

Tom tried to email you and it came back. Did youchange your email address?

Lynn G said...

Figured the house had consumed your every waking moment. Don't know if you've heard about the audition yet, but praying they recognize the talent we all know you have. Have a great school year. Ours has been pretty good so far.

Dan Dalzell said...

I did make the Portland Symphonic Choir. Going to my second rehearsal tonight! And my e-mail address is still the same as always: