Sunday, July 29, 2007

End of July update

Wow, it's hard to believe that July is nearly over! Of course, this means that Summer is 2/3 over too!

Caleb's UV treatments seem to be going well. Dr. Kang is encouraged that the spots appear to be responding and is optimistic that the cancer will be in remission by the time school starts. PTL!

Caleb and Levi went to "Rip City Basketball Camp" last week at Concordia University. It's run by Brad Barbarick, Concordia's head coach and someone I played college ball with. They had a good week. This week they have swimming lessons and start football conditioning camp on Wednesday.

Hannah and Micah are at Houseboats Camp all week down in Northern California on Lake Shasta. It sounds like a great experience!

And I'm building a deck for a guy this week. It's going to be a nice, TimberTech (composite) deck going around a hot tub. Not huge (18x20), but made with really nice materials.

1 comment:

Lynn G said...

That IS good news! Sounds like the kids are having a great summer. Our school starts on Aug. 27, so we've had a little longer summer than in the past. Teachers go back about the 15th.