Sunday, May 07, 2006

May 7

Well, one month from today would be our anticipated day to start the move back to Portland, that is, if we don't make a move to Tulsa. Strange how things are that near, but still unknown!

Today we had another open house -- only one couple visited, but then they called back later and said they were going to see their banker tomorrow and would like to make an offer later in the day if everything works out. We're cautiously, but optimistically waiting to see if this all works out. The potential buyers are an older couple who love the one-story floor plan and the large covered patio. On the other hand, they have no interest in the pool and asked if we'd take it out (if they give us a decent offer, yes!). So, tomorrow at this time I may be calling friends and saying, "Would you like a free pool? Just come give me a hand in taking it down and it's yours!"

Today was kind of odd for me at church. Lani sang on the praise team and I sat with our kids (and only went to first service, in order to get back home to get ready for the open house). It's a little bit of a challenge for me to not get in a critique mode during worship, when I really just want to be a worshipper. The new leader is a fine guy and a dynamic leader, but of course, I'd do some things differently and so there I sit trying to worship and trying not to be distracted with thoughts of how he's doing as a leader, what I'd do differently, etc. I guess I've got some more character development to work on!

The next two days I'm subbing for H.S. drama. That should be fun, challenging, & interesting.


erinlo said...

So sad for us and so excited for you. Still praying.....

You're not the only one who is a little critical of worhsip leaders- you spoiled me! I compare everyone to you! I have to always stop myself from thinking "Dan would have done that differently....."

Lynn G said...

Everytime we sing a song that you taught us (which is rarer than I'd like these days)I get misty eyed and sad that you're not still here, doing it right!