Friday, March 09, 2007

1 week's worth or so of thoughts. . .

Once upon a time I was a fresh new blogger and enjoyed posting every day. These days a week or two can slide by and I may have hardly visited my site (or my friends' pages either). Life just keeps moving.

Last night we hosted a bunch of Hannah's friends here at our home for a surprise 17th birthday party (for Hannah, whose actual birthday is this Sunday). One of her friends had talked to Lani about doing something either at our house or somewhere else -- and we'd been thinking about doing something like this on Saturday night -- so we thought it would be fun. I'm thankful for Hannah's life, for her gifts and talents, and for the quality friends she has made here. We had a house-full and they were all really nice kids!

How about Oregon's men's basketball team? So far they've won two games in the Pac-10 tourney and they sure look strong in doing it. I hope this is a sign that they've got in going for the "big dance". I love college basketball and am eager to watch and follow the NCAA tournament coming up! (One recent year I gave up watching TV for Lent, but stated one exception to my TV fast: I could still watch the March Madness games. Ha!)

We had a couple of days this week that slipped up into the 60's, though it was cooler today. All my 300 or so bulbs I planted are sprouting up and should burst out in beautiful, brilliant colors soon!

I noticed that the berries and bushes and trees along my favorite running trail -- the Springwater Corridor -- are all budding or just starting to leaf out. There's such a joy in the renewal of Spring after the cold, dull months of Winter.

Our Spring Break here is still two weeks away (I saw on a couple of other blogs that I follow where they were starting their break now). We'll have our week off during the final week of March. Seems like a good time for working on projects, sprucing up the yard, and watching good college basketball games!


Anonymous said...

Dan - The Ducks are looking good, but I'm still pulling for another team that happens to have a bird mascot.

Dan Dalzell said...

Hmm. . . is this a Jayhawks fan out there???

Lynn G said...

Happy Birthday Hannah! She's a precious young lady that blesses everyone she's around!

I haven't blogged on mine in eons. I finished my chapbook of inspirational poetry, but never even put that on the blog. My last post was Dec. 26! LOL

We're in Spring Break now - YIPPEE. It's been a difficult year, so it's even more welcome this year.

Anonymous said...

Go Bucks!!