Sunday, April 02, 2006

Great weekend!

We were blessed with a wonderful weekend in Tulsa! Safe travel, good discussions during the interview, and worship seemed to go well. Thanks be to God (and thanks to all who prayed on our behalf!).

As it turns out, I am the first of five guys that are being brought in. So, they have four more weeks in a row to do this, four more guys to try out (and they are gonna be really tired after doing this for five consecutive weeks!). I guess we need the virtue of patience as we wait for a month or more to hear what they will do there.


Tomorrow I fly to Portland to go to a big teacher's job fair. They will have something like 216 districts there to meet and interview teachers. I'm going to take my resume (& Lani's too) and see how God leads and blesses on this pathway too. It's kind of hard to know just what to do. I still have it in my heart to be a full-time worship leader, but there are reasons that returning to the teaching field might be the way to go (we could bless a smaller church, we'd be close to family, we'd be ministering in "secular" jobs, etc.). I'm praying daily for God's wisdom, leading, and blessing.


Owen B. said...

Dan, know that you and Lani are in our prayers.

erinlo said...

We prayed for ya'll several times over the weekend and I'm so glad things went well. May the Lord bless you (and Lani) as you travel again this week!

Patti said...

Our prayers for ya'll continue!