Wednesday, April 12, 2006


I subbed in elementary music today and showed the video "Stomp Out Loud" to all six classes. Also, a couple of weeks ago I showed the same video to four classes of middle school band. I guess most music teachers figure they are not going to get a musically proficient substitute so they just fall back on a video for the day (so far I've done four music sub jobs and never yet been asked to do any music teaching!).

Anyway, Stomp is a pretty lively group that creates all manner of percussion performance pieces using only body sounds and common items like trash cans, brooms, pipes, pots & pans, etc. "Stomp Out Loud" is a special show produced by and for HBO. They also have a show that tours around the country. After watching this video ten times now, I'm good at catching when brooms break, spotting where microphones were placed, and watching what's going on with the part of the cast that is not the main focus at the time.
I'm excited about our Easter worship plans! Sunrise Service at 6:45 at Northshore Park in the Woodlands and then two special Easter Services back at our building. I really hope we reach a lot of visitors and that we encourage everyone with the hope and power of Christ's resurrection.

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