Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

Hear the bells ringing, they're singing, "Christ is risen from the dead!"
Christ, the Lord, is risen today! Hallelujah!
You Can't Keep a Good Man Down!
Hallelujah! Jesus is Alive!

Just wanted to share some of the words of songs that are echoing around my head today as we celebrate the risen Savior! We had a great Easter Sunday, starting with a sunrise service at a community park, then two special worship times at the SWCC building (the praise team did great today in leading the celebration!), and a relaxed afternoon with family and friends! God is good, Jesus is risen, and that makes all the difference in my life!


Lynn G said...

Sounds like a wonderful day of celebration. We had a good turn out, but it sure was different this year. Really missed singing "Low in the Grave He Lay;" doesn't seem like Easter without it. The triumphant chorus. I miss your leading and your joy.

Amanda W said...

Praise the Lord!!!!

We had a sunrise service at one of the members' house that's right on the water. Talk about a sunrise!

Generous Kitchen said...

Good to hear from you on my blog, Dan...sounds as if God is doing good things through you in your new location.

Blessings to you and Lani and your kids.