Thursday, February 16, 2006

Things that get you excited

So, what gets you excited? What are you passionate about?

I can tell when I'm really wrapped up in something because I don't want to put it down or walk away from it. I'll ignore other things that I could or should be doing to keep doing this. I might work right through meal times or late into the night. And I feel good about the experience while I'm doing it and after I'm finished.

Yesterday (and part of today) I've been doing an arrangement of the song, "Can't Keep a Good Man Down" (performed by Newsong, when Russ Lee was still with them -- what a voice!). I spent hours yesterday tediously setting up the layout and entering notes. I love doing this (and I think this one will turn out pretty good, as long as there's a gifted soloist to present it). I could keep at this for hours and hours, maybe days and days, if it weren't for all the rest of "life" that needs my attention too. Sometimes I get like this when I'm working on home improvement/handyman projects (not maintenance like plumbing, but like when you're building something). Occasionally, I might get this drawn in by a movie, a TV show, or a book ("24" is doing this to me this year).

So, what is it for you? Is it something creative (building, song-writing, poetry, writing, etc.)? Is it something engaging like a good book or movie?


Patti said...

If I am reading a good book, it is hard to get on with life.

If I am working on a project I can't stop because I keep thinking of ways to improve it. (like the scrapbook I did for Phil)

Oddly; when home alone, if I start cleaning and organizing, I can't stop because I love the satisfaction of having it all done (that might be OCD :) )

I wondered what kept you busy yesterday. Thanks for bringing Amber home!

Owen B. said...

my writing projects & certain books. Once in a while a great movie. Also, just thinking about deep questions. I can get lost in that, too.

Amanda W said...

Generally for me it's a good book. There are some that just hook me and until I'm finished...all else is lost.