Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Back in the Classroom again

Today was my first day subbing! I taught a 4th grade "Spanish English Immersion" class at Matzke Elementary (where Lani teaches). I was eligible and equipped to sub for my first time on Monday, but decided to totally finish up my tax return before beginning the sub routine (lest I find myself on April 15 still trying to get it filed; so my taxes have now been filed -- I had to pay to bit, bummer).

I got a great first subbing assignment. Only had eight students, since they're all from Spanish-speaking families (though they all seemed to know English pretty well), and they had an Spanish-speaking aide help for one hour in the morning and a different one help for an hour and 15 minutes in the afternoon. I'd be happy to take that job again any time! It was quite chaotic all around my classroom, however, as there were subs in all three of the adjacent rooms in that quad area and in most of the rooms up and down the hallway (seems all the teachers were pulled out for a training). So while I was enjoying a pretty easy ride, I heard some wildness here and there around me and saw one sub have to yell at her kids toward the end of the day. Funnest part of the day was all the 5th graders who peeked in my room and said, "Are you Ms. Dalzell's husband?" Recess duty was a little warm outside today (must have been about 80), but I can hardly imagine how it is in August or May!

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