Thursday, March 23, 2006

American Idol thoughts

OK, until this year, I had never watched an entire episode of American Idol (I'd watched a few clips, but never a whole show). This year all of my family -- led primarily by Hannah -- tune in to watch most every episode. And, I confess, I've watched several (but not all) of the shows too.

I really dislike the regional, qualifying-event shows. What a big, staged farce! They show about 2/3 of the really terrible performers just for the allure & amusement and I can't stand these shows; I could turn it off and walk away at any moment. On the other hand, once they got down to the top 24 or so, then it was all pretty good.

Here are my comments at this point:
I'm so glad Kevin (a.k.a. "Chicken Little") is gone! I was cringing every time I heard him sing because of the pitch problems (and as Simon says, "This is a singing competition.").
When they had the bottom three standing there together, my son Caleb (age 10) was terribly sad, saying, "Oh, I don't want either of my favorites (Kevin & Bucky) to get kicked off. . ." I wanted to laugh & cry at the same time!
Ace has got to go! Again, he's just not a strong singer. Obviously, he's getting by on his looks. And my favorites: Mandisa (can she ever sing!), Elliott (looks odd, but has impressive vocal style & agility), and Chris (just seems like a pro already).
Here's a great verse for today:


Patti said...

I must be so uncool but I hate American Idol! Phil and I argue about the redeeming qualities of the show but it just doesn't work for me!

Anonymous said...

Dan, I have to admit, I love the show! I do think it is a singing contest, but I just identify more with the people that have a similar backgroud to me :) However, my favorite is Chris!!

PS. I'm a little sorry I read your blog today because I have the show on Tivo at home....oh well :)

erinlo said...

I agree with Erin! (Hi Erin!!!) Chris is my favorite and seems like such a natural. A close second is Taylor- I just think he's original. Of the girls, I love Mandisa and the one with long brown hair. All in all, I think this is one of the best seasons yet- a lot of really really talented people!

BTW- Patti- if you read this- your blog is not allowing comments.