Thursday, December 29, 2005

Best & Worst of today

Best things that happened today:
Got to sleep in (again); no alarm set, got up at about 8:00.
Had a nice phone call from a preacher who's church is looking for a worship minister (in Colorado!).
Found out I may have a little extra money owed me at work!
Heard after dinner that Harold Hillegeist's brain surgery went well. PTL!
Had fun playing "Hate Your Neighbor" card game with my kids tonight.

Worst things today:
Struggled with kids this morning -- whining, fussing, bullying. When do they go back to school???
Heard mid-day that Harold Hillegeist was going in for brain surgery this afternoon.
Cleaned out my office files and desk piles today. (I was surprised that my stomach actually felt a little upset as I cleaned things out; this must be bothering me more than I consciously realize.)

"Don't worry about tomorrow, today has enough trouble of it's own" -- Jesus


Owen B. said...

still praying, Dan.


Dan Dalzell said...

Thanks, Owen.